What is Glaucoma?

What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the optic nerve in the eye. The optic nerve is the part of the eye that sends electrical impulses for sight to the brain. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss or blindness. Clear fluid flows in and out of a […]

The Season of Giving – Ways to Get Involved

* Collect Teddy Bears for Children * Make Christmas Cookies * Attend a Local Holiday Concert * Listen to Carolers * Go out to eat with friends * Attend a Holiday Safety Presentation * Sing in a Chorus * Help Decorate * Display your decorations * Attend a Holiday Happy Hour or Social * Participate in an Organ Christmas Sing A Long * Listen to a Violinist […]

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

We all need shots (vaccines) to help protect us from serious diseases. Immunizations (also called shots or vaccines) help prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases. Immunization isn’t just for kids – to stay protected against serious illnesses like the flu, measles, and pneumonia, adults need to get vaccinated, too. We can all use this month […]